Digital Forensics with Kali Linux
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Analyzing captured data from Wireshark can be a bit of a challenge to people who may be new to the protocol analyzer, as it requires knowledge of protocols and filters and the ability to follow data streams (all of which becomes easier with practice).
NetworkMiner is an easy-to-use packet capture viewer, which some users may find easier to use than Wireshark for packet capture analysis as it extracts and sorts the found data into categories of hosts (with operating system fingerprinting), files, images, messages, sessions, and more by parsing the .pcap
NetworkMiner comes in a free version as well as a paid Professional version and can be installed on Windows and Linux. You can visit the official website for NetworkMiner at https://www.netresec.com/?page=NetworkMiner.
Installing NetworkMiner in Kali Linux is straightforward. Open a new Terminal and type the following command to download the .zip
wget www.netresec.com/?download=NetworkMiner -O /tmp...