Digital Forensics with Kali Linux
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In this section, we'll use pdgmail, which also performs memory analysis but specifically looks for web artifacts, such as emails, contacts, IP addresses, and even inbox or sent items, by analyzing the memory dump process.
For this lab, I'll be using the Kali Linux Large ISO, which I have installed as a virtual machine in VirtualBox:
by opening a new Terminal and typing in pdgmail –h
:Figure 8.39 – Viewing the help options of pdgmail
I've also opened a Firefox browser and logged into a Gmail account, then clicked on my inbox and sent items box so that this process can be run in memory. I've also visited some other sites, such as www.20minutemail.com, where I signed up for a temporary email address, and www.netcraft.com, where I looked up certifiedhacker.com.