Digital Forensics with Kali Linux
By :

For this chapter, we'll be using a Windows XP image named 0zapftis.vmem
, which can be downloaded directly from https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki/Memory-Samples.
The reason for using this specific Windows XP sample memory dump is that it is one of the very few dumps publicly available that contains isolated malware that will not affect the user's machines.
Select the link within the Description column, Malware – R2D2 (pw: infected), to download the 0zapftis.vmem
image. When prompted to extract, the password is infected
Figure 7.1 – Volatility sample file download list
It can also be downloaded directly from http://www.mediafire.com/file/yxqodp1p2aca91x/0zapftis.rar.
Important note
There are many other images on this page that are also publicly available for analysis. To practice working with the Volatility Framework and further enhance your analytical...