Mastering Linux Security and Hardening
By :

I mentioned before that one of the beautiful things about sudo
is that it allows you to see what users are doing with their sudo
privileges. Beginning with sudo
version 1.9.0, the sudo
logging experience has been greatly enhanced. You can now save sudo
log messages in JSON format, which allows sudo
to log much more information than it normally would, in a format that’s easier to parse. Beginning with sudo
version 1.9.4, you can also have sudo
send its log messages to a central log server, making it more difficult for bad actors to delete mention of their dirty deeds from the system log files.
Unfortunately, space constraints don’t allow me to do a full write-up about these new features here. That’s okay, though. Over at https://opensource.com/, Mr. Peter Czanik has written a great article that explains them very well. So, I’ll just refer you to him:
5 new sudo features sysadmins need to know in 2022– https://opensource...