Mastering Linux Security and Hardening
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In the previous versions of this book, I told you about OpenVAS, which stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner. It’s still with us, but its publisher has changed the name to Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA). Although it’s a commercial product, Greenbone also offers a Free Open Source Community Edition that’s free-of-charge.
The Greenbone Security Assistant is something that you would use to perform remote vulnerability scans. You can use it to scan a variety of network devices.
The big three security distros are Kali Linux, Parrot Linux, and BlackArch. They’re aimed at security researchers and penetration testers, but they contain tools that would also be good for just a normal security administrator of either the Linux or Windows variety. GSA is one such tool. All three of these security distros have their unique advantages and disadvantages. Since Kali is the most popular...