Hands-On Penetration Testing on Windows
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The romance between Python and Scapy was introduced in the very first chapter—hey, I couldn't wait. As a reminder, Scapy is a packet manipulation tool. We often see especially handy tools described as the Swiss Army knife of a certain task; if that's the case, then Scapy is a surgical scalpel. It's also, specifically, a Python program, so we can import its power into our scripts. You could write your own network pen testing tool in Python, and I mean any tool; you could replace Nmap, netcat, p0f, hping, and even something like arpspoof
. Let's take a look at what it takes to create an ARP poisoning attack tool with Python and Scapy.
Let's take a look at constructing a layer 2 ARP poisoning attack from the bottom up. Like before, the code here is a skeleton; with some clever Python wrapped around it, you have the potential to add a powerful tool to your arsenal. First, we bring in our imports and make some declarations...