This recipe will cover how to automate the installation of DPM Server.

Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager Cookbook
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This recipe will cover how to automate the installation of DPM Server.
In the Installing DPM recipe in this chapter, we showed you how to install DPM using a local SQL Server and using a remote SQL Server. However, this was a manual installation.
Automating the installation of DPM consists of two steps:
You can disregard the first step if you already have SQL Server deployed locally or on a remote server in your environment.
In this recipe, we will cover the installation of SQL Server and DPM in an automated fashion.
Make sure that your operating system is fully patched and rebooted before you start the installation. Now follow these steps:
Setup.exe /Q /ACTION=install /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /FEATURES=SQLEngine,RS /INSTANCENAME=DPMINSTANCE /INSTANCEDIR="D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR="D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server" /INSTALLSHAREDDIR="D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" /SQLSVCACCOUNT=”VIRT\sqldpm” /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=”VIRT\sqldpm” /SQLSVCPASSWORD="dpm2016+1" /RSSVCACCOUNT=”VIRT\sqldpm” /RSSVCPASSWORD="dpm2016+1" /AGTSVCACCOUNT=”VIRT\sqldpm” /AGTSVCPASSWORD="dpm2016+1" /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD=”dpm2016+1” /SQLTEMPDBDIR=”D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\TempDB\\” /SQLUSERDBDIR=”D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLData\\” /SQLUSERDBLOGDIR=”D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLLog\\”
Please refer to the following screenshot for its output:
SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe /install /quiet /norestart
dism.exe /Online /Enable-feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell /quiet /norestart
SqlAccountPassword=<The password for the SQL sa account>
ProgramFiles = <Location path where you want to install DPM>
DatabaseFiles = <Location path where you want to install DPMDB>
IntegratedInstallSource = <Location path where the DPM media is extracted>
SQLMachineName=<Name of the SQL Server Computer> OR <SQL Cluster Name>
SQLInstanceName=<Name of the SQL Server instance>
SQLMachineUserName=<Domain-name\Username> SQLMachinePassword=<Password for the user name Setup must use>
SQLMachineDomainName=<Domain name to which the SQL Server computer is attached to>
ReportingMachineName=<Name of the SQL Server Computer> OR <SQL Cluster Name>
ReportingInstanceName=<Name of the SQL Server instance>
ReportingMachinePassword=<Password for the user name Setup must use>
ReportingMachineDomainName=<Domain name to which the SQL Server computer is attached to>
start /wait D:\SCDPM2016\setup.exe /i /f D:\DPMSetup.ini /l D:\dpmlog.txt
The final result of an automated installation will be better than a manual implementation. Thus, this will ensure that you have a consistent deployment across your environment.
Check out the following blog post to learn more about how to automate the installation of DPM using System Center Virtual Machine Manager:
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