In this lab, you will create and setup configuration and rules files for Snort. These files determine how Snort will operate. After these files are in place Snort will be able to fully protect your system:
- Open the configuration file of Snort in a Terminal session type the following command:
# leafpad /etc/snort/snort.conf

- Check the configuration file and determine if the ICMP rules are included or not. If not, include the following line:
include /etc/snort/rules/icmp.rules
- Open the ICMP rules file and include the rule shown following:
# leafpad /etc/snort/rules/icmp.rules

- Include the following mentioned line into icmp.rule file:
alert icmp any any -> any any (msg:"ICMP Packet"; sid:477; rev:3;)

- Go ahead and save and close.
The preceding basic rule does alerting when there is an ICMP packet (ping...