First let's make sure our Kali is up to date:
- In a Terminal session, type the following commands to verify Kali is updated and make sure to install Snort:
# apt-get update # apt-get install snort

- You may get a few messages. Go ahead and select to install.
- Once the install is complete, you will get a Configuring snort dialog box as shown following:

- Verify the IP address and if correct select <Ok> and allow the install process to finish.
- Once Snort is installed, update again just to make sure we are using the most up-to-date software.
- Verify the Snort installation: Verify the installation by typing the following command in a Terminal session:
# snort --version

- Help with Snort: If you need help with snort type the following command in a Terminal session:
# snort --help
The screenshot is only a partial output of the...