Intelligent Workloads at the Edge
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To complete the hands-on exercises in this chapter, you will need to have completed the steps in Chapter 2, Foundations of Edge Workloads such that your edge device has been set up with the IoT Greengrass Core software running and the greengrass-cli
component installed.
You will want to clone the chapter's resources from the book's GitHub repository, for ease of use, if you haven't already done so. There is a step included in the Connecting your first device – sensing at the edge section that enables you to clone the repository at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Intelligent-Workloads-at-the-Edge/tree/main/chapter3. You can perform this step now if you would like to browse the resources in advance:
git clone https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Intelligent-Workloads-at-the-Edge-
As a reminder, the hands-on steps for this book were authored with a Raspberry Pi and Sense HAT expansion board in mind. For those of you using other...