Quantum Computing with Silq Programming
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Entanglement in quantum mechanics and quantum computing is one of the most fascinating phenomena in the world. Even Einstein described it as spooky action at a distance. Quantum entanglement is one of the core features of quantum computing, along with superposition and interference, and unleashes the power of quantum computing. The power of quantum computing will be discussed in Chapter 2, Quantum Bits, Quantum Measurements, and Quantum Logic Gates.
Consider two quantum systems and
. These two systems are said to be entangled with each other if we cannot measure the systems individually. This means that whenever we measure this entangled system, it always happens together and therefore, the properties of one system can only be explained with reference to the other. This means that to explain the properties of system
, we need the help of system
as well. Only then we can fully describe them together, even if they are far apart and not interacting...