Quantum Computing with Silq Programming
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We saw in Chapter 1, Essential Mathematics and Algorithmic Thinking, that the states |0> and |1> are orthonormal states, which means that they have unit length and are orthogonal to each other. It can also be seen that these states are the most fundamental states that are used to construct other quantum states. Therefore, these states are known as orthonormal basis states. These states are linearly independent as well, and any other state can be formed by the linear combination of the states |0> and |1>.
In this section, we will see various illustrations of qubits in different bases, which will help us to understand the physical representation of qubits. We will be discussing the Bloch sphere representation of qubits and then the Z, X, and Y axis basis states. Various illustrations are useful for certain types of quantum algorithms, and they make the mathematics of the algorithms easier to understand. If you learn these different...