The Art of Writing Efficient Programs
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In this chapter, we have learned how the memory system works: in a word, slowly. The difference in the performance of the CPUs and the memory creates the memory gap, where the fast CPU is held back by the low performance of the memory. But the memory gap also contains within it the seeds of the potential solution: we can trade many CPU operations for one memory access.
We have further learned that the memory system is very complex and hierarchical and that it does not have a single speed. This can hurt your program's performance really badly if you end up in the worst-case scenario. But again, the trick is to look at it as an opportunity rather than a burden: the gains from optimizing memory accesses can be so large that they more than pay for the overhead.
As we have seen, the hardware itself provides several tools to improve memory performance. Beyond that, we have to choose memory-efficient data structures and, if that alone does not suffice, memory-efficient...