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Learn Java 12 Programming

By : Nick Samoylov
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Learn Java 12 Programming

By: Nick Samoylov

Overview of this book

Java is one of the preferred languages among developers, used in everything right from smartphones, and game consoles to even supercomputers, and its new features simply add to the richness of the language. This book on Java programming begins by helping you learn how to install the Java Development Kit. You will then focus on understanding object-oriented programming (OOP), with exclusive insights into concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, which will help you when programming for real-world apps. Next, you’ll cover fundamental programming structures of Java such as data structures and algorithms that will serve as the building blocks for your apps. You will also delve into core programming topics that will assist you with error handling, debugging, and testing your apps. As you progress, you’ll move on to advanced topics such as Java libraries, database management, and network programming, which will hone your skills in building professional-grade apps. Further on, you’ll understand how to create a graphic user interface using JavaFX and learn to build scalable apps by taking advantage of reactive and functional programming. By the end of this book, you’ll not only be well versed with Java 10, 11, and 12, but also gain a perspective into the future of this language and software development in general.
Table of Contents (25 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section 1: Overview of Java Programming
Section 2: Building Blocks of Java
Section 3: Advanced Java

Checked and unchecked exceptions

If you look up the documentation of the java.lang package API, you will discover that the package contains almost three dozen exception classes and a couple of dozen error classes. Both groups extend the java.lang.Throwable class, inherit all the methods from it, and do not add other methods. The most often used methods of the java.lang.Throwable class are the following:

  • void printStackTrace(): Outputs the stack trace (stack frames) of the method calls
  • StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace(): Returns the same information as printStackTrace(), but allows programmatic access of any frame of the stack trace
  • String getMessage(): Retrieves the message that often contains a user-friendly explanation of the reason for the exception or error
  • Throwable getCause(): Retrieves an optional object of java.lang.Throwable that was the original reason for the exception...