Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that is designed to interoperate with Java code. Since the kotlinc compiler generates the same bytecode as javac, migrating to a new code base doesn't require a lot of effort. Kotlin is a modern language that contains many features from different paradigms that allow you to write concise and safe code. In light of all these points, Kotlin is growing in popularity and seeing an increase in the number of developers who use it.

Hands-On Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin
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Hands-On Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin
Overview of this book
Kotlin is an object-oriented programming language. The book is based on the latest version of Kotlin. The book provides you with a thorough understanding of programming concepts, object-oriented programming techniques, and design patterns. It includes numerous examples, explanation of concepts and keynotes. Where possible, examples and programming exercises are included.
The main purpose of the book is to provide a comprehensive coverage of Kotlin features such as classes, data classes, and inheritance. It also provides a good understanding of design pattern and how Kotlin syntax works with object-oriented techniques. You will also gain familiarity with syntax in this book by writing labeled for loop and when as an expression. An introduction to the advanced concepts such as sealed classes and package level functions and coroutines is provided and we will also learn how these concepts can make the software development easy. Supported libraries for serialization, regular expression and testing are also covered in this book. By the end of the book, you would have learnt building robust and maintainable software with object oriented design patterns in Kotlin.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Getting Started with Kotlin
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
The Four Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming
Classes - Advanced Concepts
Data Collection, Iterators, and Filters
Object-Oriented Patterns in Kotlin
Coroutines - a Lightweight Thread?
Regular Expression and Serialization in Kotlin
Exception Handling
Testing in Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin
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