In opposition to embarrassingly parallel tasks, the execution of some tasks depends heavily on the results of others. In other words, those tasks are not independent, and thus, cannot be made parallel or concurrent. Furthermore, if we were to try to implement concurrency into those programs, it could cost us more execution time to produce the same results. Let's go back to our prime-checking example from earlier; the following is the output that we saw:
> python
Result 1: [10000000000037, 10000000000051, 10000000000099, 10000000000129, 10000000000183, 10000000000259, 10000000000267, 10000000000273, 10000000000279, 10000000000283, 10000000000313, 10000000000343, 10000000000391, 10000000000411, 10000000000433, 10000000000453]
Took: 3.41 seconds.
Result 2: [10000000000183, 10000000000037, 10000000000129, 10000000000273, 10000000000259, 10000000000343, 10000000000051, 10000000000267, 10000000000279, 10000000000099, 10000000000283, 10000000000313, 10000000000391, 10000000000433, 10000000000411, 10000000000453]
Took: 2.33 seconds.
Pay close attention, and you will see that the two results from the two methods are not identical; the primes in the second result list are out of order. (Recall that, in the second method, to apply concurrency we specified splitting the tasks into different groups to be executed simultaneously, and the order of the results we obtained is the order in which each task finished being executed.) This is a direct result of using concurrency in our second method: we split the tasks to be executed by the program into different groups, and our program processed the tasks in these groups at the same time.
Since tasks across different groups were executed simultaneously, there were tasks that were behind other tasks in the input list, and yet were executed before those other tasks. For example, the number 10000000000183 was behind the number 10000000000129 in our input list, but was processed prior to, and therefore in front of, the number 10000000000129 in our output list. In fact, if you execute the program again and again, the second result will vary in almost every run.
Evidently, this situation is not desirable if the result we'd like to obtain needs to be in the order of the input we originally had. Of course, in this example, we can simply modify the result by using some form of sorting, but it will cost us extra execution time in the end, which might make it even more expensive than the original sequential approach.
A concept that is commonly used to illustrate the innate sequentiality of some tasks is pregnancy: the number of women will never reduce the length of pregnancy. As opposed to parallel or concurrent tasks, where an increase in the number of processing entities will improve the execution time, adding more processors in inherently sequential tasks will not. Famous examples of inherent sequentiality include iterative algorithms: Newton's method, iterative solutions to the three-body problem, or iterative numerical approximation methods.