Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook
By :

In this recipe, we show how to use Julia to generate various plots. The standard approach for graph visualization in Julia is thePlots.jl
package. The package supports several graphical backends for the actual generation of figures. The most mature backends includeGR.jl
. In this recipe, we show how to usePlots.jl
with theGR.jl
For this recipe, you need several packages for generating and manipulating the data, as well as for making the plot itself. All packages can simply be installed with the Julia package manager. In the Julia command line, simply press the] key and run the following commands:
(v1.0) pkg> add DataFrames (v1.0) pkg> add Plots (v1.0) pkg> add Distributions (v1.0) pkg> add StatPlots (v1.0) pkg> add CSV
This will install the packages and all their dependencies.
Here is the citation for the Iris dataset is as follows:
@misc{R.A. Fisher , author = "R.A. Fisher ", year = "2017", title = "{UCI} Machine Learning...