Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook
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In this recipe, we describe how to organize the module development process in Julia using theRevise.jl
package. A Julia program contains several functions that are normally aggregated intomodules. On one hand, the process of module development and testing usually involves experimenting with the code in the Julia command line.However, every time a change is made in one of the functions within a module, it requires reloading the entire module. This is inconvenient because as well as having to remember to reload the module, you will need to do it after every single change to your code. Additionally, for large modules, reloading an entire module may take a significant amount of time. A remedy for this problem is theRevise.jl
In this recipe, we assume that you have configured your favorite programming environment.
can simply be installed with the Julia package manager. In the Julia command line, press the] key and run the following...