Developing Middleware in Java EE 8
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In the previous example, we showed how to create JMS resources using the GlassFish administration console. This is very useful when you need to register factories and destinations that work across different applications. However, if your JMS resources are local to your application, that is, no other applications are going to communicate with you on a JMS channel, it's much simpler to use annotations to define application-specific JMS resources. Those annotations can be used on any Java EE component class.
In order to create a destination resource, you can use the @JMSDestinationDefinition
annotation as follows:
@JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition( name = "java:app/jms/MyConnectionFactory" )
You can also configure some properties of your connection factory; for example, you can set the minimum and maximum pool size for this connection factory, as follows:
@JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition( name = "java:app/jms/MyConnectionFactory...