Mastering ArcGIS Enterprise Administration
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Just as with ArcGIS Server, you can (and trust me, one day you will need to) reset or change the Portal for an ArcGIS service account. One difference is that the tool to do this for Portal is not located on the Windows Start menu as it is for ArcGIS Server. Instead, it is an executable file utility located at <Portal installation directory>\tools\ConfigUtility
on the Portal machine. Like the Configure ArcGIS Server Account tool, ConfigurationUtilityCL.exe
sets the account (domain or local) to run the Portal service and grants the account privileges on Portal system folders and files. ConfigurationUtilityCL.exe
uses the following syntax:
configureserviceaccount.bat --username mydomain\username --password password -writeconfig c:\temp\config.xml
The available parameters for the utility are the following:
: This is the username of the Portal service account.password
: This is the password for the Portal service account.writeconfig
: This is optional...