Mastering ArcGIS Enterprise Administration
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Just like ArcGIS Server, Portal has a REST backend from which all administrative tasks can be performed.
We previously covered how the web interface for ArcGIS Server is a frontend to the ArcGIS Server REST API, and Portal is no different. We also covered services and how REST calls are made to the API. With all that covered, let's dive in and look at some of the administrative actions that can be performed in the Portal REST Admin.
Portal system properties include items such as Web Adaptors and licensing. Information about these items can be viewed, and each has operations to make configuration changes.
To get to your Portal Web Adaptor in Portal Admin, go to Home
| System
| Web Adaptors
| <web adaptor ID>
. If you've examined the Web Adaptor settings in the ArcGIS Server REST Administrator, then this should look familiar to you. Here, you can see Machine Name
, Machine IP
, and the ports associated...