As we all know, it is becoming a software-defined world. Everything is being stuffed with software to exhibit adaptive behavior. Thus, the buzzwords such as software-defined networking, storage, compute, security, and environment are acquiring significance these days. Also, the concept of software-defined everything is becoming prominent and paramount. The role and responsibility of software, therefore, is increasing. Along with the faster proliferation, penetration, and participation, the software product is also becoming a complicated task. Software experts and exponents are recommending the combination of multiple architecture patterns that we have discussed previously in order to soften and speed up the realization of next-generation software solutions and services. We have described how SOA and EDA team up to put a stimulating foundation for producing dynamic and adaptive applications. Similarly, other architectural patterns can be synchronized in order to bring forth composite patterns in order to produce competent and versatile applications.

Architectural Patterns
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Architectural Patterns
Overview of this book
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is typically an aggregate of the business, application, data, and infrastructure architectures of any forward-looking enterprise. Due to constant changes and rising complexities in the business and technology landscapes, producing sophisticated architectures is on the rise. Architectural patterns are gaining a lot of attention these days.
The book is divided in three modules. You'll learn about the patterns associated with object-oriented, component-based, client-server, and cloud architectures. The second module covers Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) patterns and how they are architected using various tools and patterns. You will come across patterns for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), Resource-Oriented Architecture (ROA), big data analytics architecture, and Microservices Architecture (MSA). The final module talks about advanced topics such as Docker containers, high performance, and reliable application architectures. The key takeaways include understanding what architectures are, why they're used, and how and where architecture, design, and integration patterns are being leveraged to build better and bigger systems.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)
Demystifying Software Architecture Patterns
Client/Server Multi-Tier Architectural Patterns
Object-Oriented Software Engineering Patterns
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Principles and Patterns
Enterprise Architecture Platforms and Tools
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Event-Driven Architectural Patterns
Microservices Architecture Patterns
Patterns for Containerized and Reliable Applications
Software-Defined Clouds - the Architecture and Design Patterns
Big Data Architecture and Design Patterns
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