To follow along with the examples in this book, you'll need to have an Apple computer with macOS 10.10 or higher installed. You'll also need to install Xcode 8.3 or newer with Swift 3.1 or newer.

Swift Functional Programming
By :

Swift Functional Programming
Overview of this book
Swift is a multi-paradigm programming language enabling you to tackle different problems in various ways. Understanding each paradigm and knowing when and how to utilize and combine them can lead to a better code base. Functional programming (FP) is an important paradigm that empowers us with declarative development and makes applications more suitable for testing, as well as performant and elegant. This book aims to simplify the FP paradigms, making them easily understandable and usable, by showing you how to solve many of your day-to-day development problems using Swift FP.
It starts with the basics of FP, and you will go through all the core concepts of Swift and the building blocks of FP. You will also go through important aspects, such as function composition and currying, custom operator definition, monads, functors, applicative functors,memoization, lenses, algebraic data types, type erasure, functional data structures, functional reactive programming (FRP), and protocol-oriented programming(POP). You will then learn to combine those techniques to develop a fully functional iOS application from scratch
Table of Contents (12 chapters)
Getting Started with Functional Programming in Swift
Functions and Closures
Types and Type Casting
Enumerations and Pattern Matching
Generics and Associated Type Protocols
Map, Filter, and Reduce
Dealing with Optionals
Functional Data Structures
Importance of Immutability
Best of Both Worlds and Combining FP Paradigms with OOP
Case Study - Developing an iOS Application with FP and OOP Paradigms
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