In Swift, there are two kinds of types in terms of memory allocation: value and reference.
Value type instances keep a copy of their data. Each type has its own data and is not referenced by another variable. Structures, enums, and tuples are value types; therefore, they do not share data between their instances. Assignments copy the data of an instance to the other and there is no reference counting involved. The following example presents a struct with copying:
struct OurStruct {
var data: Int = 3
var valueA = OurStruct()
var valueB = valueA // valueA is copied to valueB = 5 // Changes valueA, not valueB
print("\(, \(") // prints "5, 3"
As seen from the preceding example, changing does not change
In Swift, arrays, dictionaries, strings, and sets are all value types.
On the other hand, reference...