C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0

One of the files that you can add to a Visual Studio project is Class Diagram.
From the Project menu, choose Add New Item or press Ctrl + Shift + A. In the Search box, enter diagram and change the filename to PacktLibrary.cd, as shown in the following screenshot:
In the View menu, choose Class View. In the Class View window, expand Ch06_PacktLibrary, expand Packt.CS6, and then drag and drop the Person file into the middle of the class diagram, as shown in the following screenshot:
In the following diagram, you will see the Person class and the interface that it implements:
In the preceding diagram, right-click on the background, choose Change Members Format, and then Display Full Signature.
Click on the downward pointing chevron in the top-right corner of the class to expand its details and stretch the box to make it wide enough for you to see all the details.
Drag and drop the Employee
class onto the diagram to show the inheritance hierarchy.
Right-click on the Employee
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour