Modern Android 13 Development Cookbook
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In object-oriented programming, DI is vital. Some people use it, and some prefer not to use it for their own reasons. However, DI is the practice of designing objects in a manner where they receive instances of the object from other pieces of code instead of constructing them internally.
If you know of the SOLID principles, you know their primary goal is to make software design easier to maintain, read, test, and build upon. In addition, DI helps us follow some of the SOLID principles. The dependency inversion principle allows the code base to be easily expanded and extended with new functionalities and improves reusability. In Modern Android Development, DI is essential, and we will implement it in our application in this recipe.
There are different types of libraries that you can use in Android for DI, such as Koin, Dagger, and Hilt; Hilt harnesses the power of Dagger and benefits from compile-time correctness, good runtime performance, Android...