Modern Android 13 Development Cookbook
By :

In every Android application, having a UI element is very crucial. A view in Android is a simple building block for a UI. A view ensures users can interact with your application through a tap or other motion. This recipe will look at different Compose UI elements and see how we can build them.
In this recipe, we will create one project that we will re-use for the entire chapter, so let’s go ahead and follow the steps in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Modern Android Development Skills, on how to create your first Android project.
Create a project and call it Compose Basics
. In addition, we will mostly use the Preview section to view the UI element we create.
Once you have created the project, follow these steps to build several Compose UI elements:
; inside UIComponent
, go ahead and create a composable function, call it EditTextExample()
, and call the OutlinedTextField()
function; this will prompt you to import the required import, which is androidx.Compose.material.OutlinedTextField
@Composable fun EditTextExample() { OutlinedTextField() }
(see Figure 2.1), you will notice the function accepts several inputs, and this is very useful when you need to customize your own composable functions.Figure 2.1 – The OutlinedTextField input
based on the types of input we see it accepts, we can give it a text and color and we can decorate it using a Modifier()
; that is, by giving it specific instructions such as fillMaxWidth()
, which sets the max width. When we say fill, we are simply specifying it should be fully filled. We set .padding(top)
to 16.dp
, which applies additional space along each edge of the content in dp
. It also has a value, which is the value to be entered in the OutlinedTextField
, and an onValueChange
lambda that listens to the input change.OutlinedText
some border colors when focused and when not focused to reflect the different states. Hence, if you start entering input, the box will change color to blue, as specified in the code:
@Composable fun EditTextExample() { OutlinedTextField( value = "", onValueChange = {}, label = { Text(stringResource(id = R.string.sample)) }, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(top = 16.dp), colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors( focusedBorderColor = Color.Blue, unfocusedBorderColor = Color.Black ) ) }
, which is not outlined, and if you compare what OutlinedTextField
takes in as input, you will notice they are fairly similar:
@Composable fun NotOutlinedEditTextExample() { TextField( value = "", onValueChange = {}, label = { Text(stringResource(id = R.string.sample)) }, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(top = 8.dp, bottom = 16.dp), colors = TextFieldDefaults.outlinedTextFieldColors( focusedBorderColor = Color.Blue, unfocusedBorderColor = Color.Black ) ) }
composable function. In our example, we can create UIElementPreview()
, which is a preview function for displaying our UI. In Figure 2.2, the top view is OutlinedTextField
, whereas the second one is a normal TextField
.Figure 2.2 – OutlinedTextField and TextField
composable function, you will see what it accepts as input, as shown in Figure 2.3.Figure 2.3 – Button input
In our second example, we will try to create a button with an icon on it. In addition, we will add text, which is crucial when creating buttons since we need to specify to users what action or what the button will be doing once it is clicked on.
, and then import the Button()
composable function.Icon()
with painterResource
input, a content description, Modifier
, and tint
. We will also need Text()
, which will give our button a name. For our example, we will not use tint
@Composable fun ButtonWithIcon() { Button(onClick = {}) { Icon( painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_shopping_bag_24 ), contentDescription = stringResource( id = R.string.shop), modifier = Modifier.size(20.dp) ) Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.buy), Modifier.padding(start = 10.dp)) } }
; in this example, we will try to create a button with cut corners:
@Composable fun CornerCutShapeButton() { Button(onClick = {}, shape = CutCornerShape(10)) { Text(text = stringResource( id = R.string.cornerButton)) }}}}
; in this example, we will try to create a button with round corners:
@Composable fun RoundCornerShapeButton() { Button(onClick = {}, shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp)) { Text(text = stringResource( id = R.string.rounded)) } }
; in this example, we will try to create a button with elevation:
@Composable fun ElevatedButtonExample() { Button( onClick = {}, elevation = ButtonDefaults.elevation( defaultElevation = 8.dp, pressedElevation = 10.dp, disabledElevation = 0.dp ) ) { Text(text = stringResource( id = R.string.elevated)) } }
is ButtonWithIcon()
, the second one is CornerCutShapeButton()
, the third is RoundCornerShapeButton()
, and, lastly, we have ElevatedButtonExample()
.Figure 2.4 – The different button types and other UI elements
composable function takes in several inputs, as shown in Figure 2.5.Figure 2.5 – Different ImageView input types
will only have a painter, which is not nullable, meaning you need to provide an image for this composable function, a content description for accessibility, and a modifier:
@Composable fun ImageViewExample() { Image( painterResource(id = R.drawable.android), contentDescription = stringResource( id = R.string.image), modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp) ) }
and CheckBox()
elements and customizing them. When you run your application, you should have something similar to Figure 2.6.Figure 2.6 – Several UI components
Every composable function is annotated with the @Composable
annotation. This annotation tells the Compose compiler that the provided compiler is intended to convert the provided data into a UI. It is also important to note each composable function name needs to be a noun and not a verb or an adjective, and Google provides these guidelines. Any composable function you create can accept parameters that enable the app logic to describe or modify your UI.
We mention the Compose compiler, which means that a compiler is any special program that takes the code we wrote, examines it, and translates it into something the computer can understand – or machine language.
In Icon()
, painterResouce
specifies the icon we will be adding to the button, the content description helps with accessibility, and the modifier is used to decorate our icon.
We can preview the UI elements we build by adding the @Preview
annotation and adding showBackground =
@Preview(showBackground = true)
is powerful, and we will look at how you can utilize it better in future chapters.
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour