Creating Cross-Platform C# Applications with Uno Platform
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Before we get started with Uno.UITest, let's cover what Uno.UITest is and what its aim is. Uno.UITest is a library developed and maintained by the Uno Platform team to allow developers to write unified UI tests for their Uno Platform apps. These UI tests allow you to simulate users interacting with your app and verify the UI of your app to ensure that user interactions work correctly and that your app behaves as designed. With Uno.UITest, you can write UI tests (also sometimes referred to as interaction tests), which you can run against the Android, iOS, and WASM heads of your app.
Under the hood, Uno.UITest uses Xamarin.UITest to run tests against the Android and iOS head of the app. For the WASM version of the app, Uno.UITest uses Selenium and Google Chrome. Using these libraries, Uno.UITest allows you to write tests that mimic user interactions with the UI of your app, including mimicking mouse input such as clicking, and keyboard input such...