C# 9 and .NET 5 – Modern Cross-Platform Development
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We have already created and used basic console applications, but we're now at a stage where we should delve into them more deeply.
Console applications are text-based and are run at the command line. They typically perform simple tasks that need to be scripted, such as compiling a file or encrypting a section of a configuration file.
Equally, they can also have arguments passed to them to control their behavior. An example of this would be to create a new console app using the F# language with a specified name instead of using the name of the current folder, as shown in the following command line:
dotnet new console -lang "F#" --name "ExploringConsole"
The two most common tasks that a console application performs are writing and reading data. We have already been using the WriteLine
method to output, but if we didn't want a carriage return at the end of the lines, we could have used the Write
One way of generating formatted strings is to use numbered positional arguments.
This feature is supported by methods like Write
and WriteLine
, and for methods that do not support the feature, the string
parameter can be formatted using the Format
method of string
Let's begin formatting:
to the Chapter02
folder and workspace.Main
method, add statements to declare some number variables and write them to the console, as shown in the following code:
int numberOfApples = 12;
decimal pricePerApple = 0.35M;
format: "{0} apples costs {1:C}",
arg0: numberOfApples,
arg1: pricePerApple * numberOfApples);
string formatted = string.Format(
format: "{0} apples costs {1:C}",
arg0: numberOfApples,
arg1: pricePerApple * numberOfApples);
//WriteToFile(formatted); // writes the string into a file
The WriteToFile
method is a nonexistent method used to illustrate the idea.
C# 6.0 and later has a handy feature named interpolated strings. A string
prefixed with $
can use curly braces around the name of a variable or expression to output the current value of that variable or expression at that position in the string as the following shows:
method, enter a statement at the bottom of the Main
method, as shown in the following code:
Console.WriteLine($"{numberOfApples} apples costs {pricePerApple * numberOfApples:C}");
12 apples costs £4.20
For short formatted strings, an interpolated string can be easier for people to read. But for code examples in a book, where lines need to wrap over multiple lines, this can be tricky. For many of the code examples in this book, I will use numbered positional arguments.
A variable or expression can be formatted using a format string after a comma or colon.
An N0
format string means a number with thousand separators and no decimal places, while a C
format string means currency. The currency format will be determined by the current thread. For instance, if you run this code on a PC in the UK, you'll get pounds sterling with commas as the thousand separators, but if you run this code on a PC in Germany, you will get Euros with dots as the thousand separators.
The full syntax of a format item is:
{ index [, alignment ] [ : formatString ] }
Each format item can have an alignment, which is useful when outputting tables of values, some of which might need to be left- or right-aligned within a width of characters. Alignment values are integers. Positive integers are right-aligned and negative integers are left-aligned.
For example, to output a table of fruit and how many of each there are, we might want to left-align the names within a column of 8 characters and right-align the counts formatted as numbers with zero decimal places within a column of six characters:
method, enter the following statements at the bottom:
string applesText = "Apples";
int applesCount = 1234;
string bananasText = "Bananas";
int bananasCount = 56789;
format: "{0,-8} {1,6:N0}",
arg0: "Name",
arg1: "Count");
format: "{0,-8} {1,6:N0}",
arg0: applesText,
arg1: applesCount);
format: "{0,-8} {1,6:N0}",
arg0: bananasText,
arg1: bananasCount);
Name Count
Apples 1,234
Bananas 56,789
More Information: You can read more details about formatting types in .NET at the following link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types
We can get text input from the user using the ReadLine
method. This method waits for the user to type some text, then as soon as the user presses Enter, whatever the user has typed is returned as a string
method, type statements to ask the user for their name and age and then output what they entered, as shown in the following code:
Console.Write("Type your first name and press ENTER: ");
string firstName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Type your age and press ENTER: ");
string age = Console.ReadLine();
$"Hello {firstName}, you look good for {age}.");
Type your name and press ENTER: Gary
Type your age and press ENTER: 34
Hello Gary, you look good for 34.
You might have noticed that unlike our very first application in Chapter 1, Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!, we have not been typing System
before Console
. This is because System
is a namespace, which is like an address for a type. To refer to someone exactly, you might use Oxford.HighStreet.BobSmith
, which tells us to look for a person named Bob Smith on the High Street in the city of Oxford.
The System.Console.WriteLine
line tells the compiler to look for a method named WriteLine
in a type named Console
in a namespace named System
. To simplify our code, the dotnet new console
command added a statement at the top of the code file to tell the compiler to always look in the System
namespace for types that haven't been prefixed with their namespace, as shown in the following code:
using System;
We call this importing the namespace. The effect of importing a namespace is that all available types in that namespace will be available to your program without needing to enter the namespace prefix and will be seen in IntelliSense while you write code.
In C# 6.0 and later, the using
statement can be used to further simplify our code. Then, we won't need to enter the Console
type throughout our code. We can use Visual Studio Code's Replace feature to remove the times we have previously written Console.
class to the top of the Program.cs
file, as shown in the following code:
using static System.Console;
in your code, ensuring that you select the dot after the word Console
with, as shown in the following screenshot:Figure 2.8: Using the Replace dialog box to simplify code
box) or press Alt + A or Alt + Cmd + Enter to replace all, and then close the replace
box by clicking on the cross in its top-right corner.We can get key input from the user using the ReadKey
method. This method waits for the user to press a key or key combination that is then returned as a ConsoleKeyInfo
method, type statements to ask the user to press any key combination and then output information about it, as shown in the following code:
Write("Press any key combination: ");
ConsoleKeyInfo key = ReadKey();
WriteLine("Key: {0}, Char: {1}, Modifiers: {2}",
arg0: key.Key,
arg1: key.KeyChar,
arg2: key.Modifiers);
key, and note the result, as shown in the following output:
Press any key combination: k
Key: K, Char: k, Modifiers: 0
and press the K
key, and note the result, as shown in the following output:
Press any key combination: K
Key: K, Char: K, Modifiers: Shift
key, and note the result, as shown in the following output:
Press any key combination:
Key: F12, Char: , Modifiers: 0
When running a console application in Terminal within Visual Studio Code, some keyboard combinations will be captured by the code editor or operating system before they can be processed by your app.
You might have been wondering what the string[] args
arguments are in the Main
method. They're an array used to pass arguments into a console application; let's take a look to see how it works.
Command-line arguments are separated by spaces. Other characters like hyphens and colons are treated as part of an argument value. To include spaces in an argument value, enclose the argument value in single or double quotes.
Imagine that we want to be able to enter the names of some colors for the foreground and background, and the dimensions of the Terminal window at the command line. We would be able to read the colors and numbers by reading them from the args
array, which is always passed into the Main
method of a console application.
and add it to the Chapter02
type and a statement to output the number of arguments passed to the application, as shown highlighted in the following code:
using System;
using static System.Console;
namespace Arguments
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
WriteLine($"There are {args.Length} arguments.");
Good Practice: Remember to statically import the System.Console
type in all future projects to simplify your code, as these instructions will not be repeated every time.
There are 0 arguments.
dotnet run
command, as shown in the following command line:
dotnet run firstarg second-arg third:arg "fourth arg"
There are 4 arguments.
foreach (string arg in args)
dotnet run
command, as shown in the following command line:
dotnet run firstarg second-arg third:arg "fourth arg"
There are 4 arguments.
fourth arg
We will now use these arguments to allow the user to pick a color for the background, foreground, and cursor size of the output window. The cursor size can be an integer value from 1, meaning a line at the bottom of the cursor cell, up to 100, meaning a percentage of the height of the cursor cell.
The System
namespace is already imported so that the compiler knows about the ConsoleColor
and Enum
types. If you cannot see either of these types in the IntelliSense list, it is because you are missing the using System;
statement at the top of the file.
if (args.Length < 3)
WriteLine("You must specify two colors and cursor size, e.g.");
WriteLine("dotnet run red yellow 50");
return; // stop running
ForegroundColor = (ConsoleColor)Enum.Parse(
enumType: typeof(ConsoleColor),
value: args[0],
ignoreCase: true);
BackgroundColor = (ConsoleColor)Enum.Parse(
enumType: typeof(ConsoleColor),
value: args[1],
ignoreCase: true);
CursorSize = int.Parse(args[2]);
dotnet run red yellow 50
On Linux, this will work correctly. On Windows, this will run, but the cursor will not change size. On macOS, you'll see an unhandled exception, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.9: An unhandled exception on unsupported macOS
Although the compiler did not give an error or warning, at runtime some API calls may fail on some platforms. Although a console application running on Linux can change its cursor size, on macOS, it cannot, and complains if you try.
So how do we solve this problem? We can solve this by using an exception handler. You will learn more details about the try-catch
statement in Chapter 3, Controlling Flow and Converting Types, so for now, just enter the code.
statement, as shown in the following code:
CursorSize = int.Parse(args[2]);
catch (PlatformNotSupportedException)
WriteLine("The current platform does not support changing the size of the cursor.");
Another way to handle differences in operating systems is to use the OperatingSystem
class, as shown in the following code:
if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
// execute code that only works on Windows
The OperatingSystem
class has equivalent methods for other common OSes like Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and even the browser, which is useful for Blazor web components.
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour