DIY Microcontroller Projects for Hobbyists
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This section deals with all the hardware components in this chapter. We will begin by connecting the DHT11 to the Blue Pill board. Connecting the DHT11 to microcontroller boards is easy because it only requires three wires.
In this section, we will connect the DHT11 to the Blue Pill, as shown here:
Figure 5.3 – The DHT11 connected to a Blue Pill microcontroller board
As we can see, the DHT11 connections are simple. In some DHT11 modules, their manufacturers recommend connecting a 5K-ohm pull-up resistor to the S (signal) pin. However, since 5K resistors are not commercially available, a resistor with a value of 4.7K-ohm is close enough to the recommended one. We did not need to connect a 4.7K-ohm to the DHT11 module that we used in our project because its electronic circuit already had a resistor like that.
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