ROS Robotics By Example, Second Edition
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There are minor but important environmental variables and software that are needed for the TurtleBot based on your selection of 3D sensors. We have attached a Kinect Xbox 360 sensor to our TurtleBot, but we will provide instructions to configure each of the 3D sensors mentioned in this chapter. These environmental variables are used by the ROS launch files to launch the correct camera drivers. In ROS Kinetic, the Kinect, ASUS, and RealSense sensors are supported by different camera drivers, as described in the following sections.
The environmental variables for the Kinect sensors are as follows:
export KINECT_DRIVER=freenect export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=kinect
These variables should be added to the ~/.bashrc
files of both the TurtleBot and the remote computer. For mapping and navigation a common 3dsensor
launch file is utilized and these environment variables identify the 3D vision sensor attached to TurtleBot.
Libfreenect is an...