ROS Robotics By Example, Second Edition
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There is a long list of robots on the ROS wiki website, http://wiki.ros.org/Robots, which use ROS. For example, we are using four different robots in this book to provide you with an experience of a wide range of ROS capabilities. These robots are as follows:
The images of these robots are in the following figures:
TurtleBot 2 and 3
Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to use real robots such as Baxter (shown in the following image):
Baxter in the authors' laboratory
However, there is good news! Using the ROS Gazebo software, you can simulate Baxter as well as many other robots whose models are provided for Gazebo. We will simulate TurtleBot using Gazebo and actually design our own mobile robot in the upcoming chapters of this book.
Bebop and Crazyflie