ROS Robotics By Example, Second Edition
By :

URDF is an XML format specifically defined to represent robot models down to their component level. These URDF files can become long and cumbersome on complex robot systems. XML Macros (Xacro) is an XML macro language created to make these robot description files easier to read and maintain. Xacro helps you reduce the duplication of information within the file.
For our first robot model, we will build a URDF file for a two-wheeled differential drive robot. The model will be created incrementally, and we will view the results at each step in rviz. When our simple two-wheeled robot is complete, we will add Gazebo formatting and view the model in Gazebo. In Chapter 5, Creating Your First Robot Arm (in Simulation), we will expand our knowledge of URDF files and build a simple robot arm model using the Xacro notation.
Downloading the ros_robotics code
You can download the example code files and other support material for this book from the Packt Publishing...