Learning ROS for Robotics Programming Second Edition
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Now we are going to see how to perform visual odometry using RGBD cameras using fovis
Since fovis
is not provided as a Debian package, you must build it in your catkin workspace (use the same workspace you use for chapter5_tutorials
). Therefore, proceed with the following commands within any workspace:
$ cd src $ git clone https://github.com/srv/libfovis.git $ git clone https://github.com/srv/fovis.git $ cd .. $ catkin_make
This clones two repositories that allow us to have the fovis
software integrated in ROS. Note that the original code is hosted on this Google Code Project at https://code.google.com/p/fovis/.
Once this has been built successfully, set up the environment for this workspace before using the software:
$ source devel/setup.bash
At this point, we are going to run fovis
for the Kinect RGBD camera. This means that we are going to have 3D information to compute the visual odometry...