Learning ROS for Robotics Programming Second Edition
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In order to use viso2
, go to your catkin
workspace (~/dev/catkin_ws
) and use the following commands:
$ cd src $ wstool init $ wstool set viso2 --git git://github.com/srv/viso2.git $ wstool update
Now, to build it, run the following command:
$ cd .. $ catkin_make
Once it is built, we set up our environment by using the following command:
$ source devel/setup.bash
Now we can run viso2_ros
nodes, such as stereo_odometer
, which is the one we are going to use here. But before that, we need to publish the frame transformation between our camera and the robot or its base link. The stereo camera driver is already prepared for that, but we have explained how it is done in the next sections.
In order to set the transformation between the different frames in our robot system, we must publish the TF
message of such transforms. The most appropriate and generic way to do so consists of using the camera_pose
stack; we use the latest version from this...