Hadoop Beginner's Guide

Look around at the technology we have today, and it's easy to come to the conclusion that it's all about data. As consumers, we have an increasing appetite for rich media, both in terms of the movies we watch and the pictures and videos we create and upload. We also, often without thinking, leave a trail of data across the Web as we perform the actions of our daily lives.
Not only is the amount of data being generated increasing, but the rate of increase is also accelerating. From emails to Facebook posts, from purchase histories to web links, there are large data sets growing everywhere. The challenge is in extracting from this data the most valuable aspects; sometimes this means particular data elements, and at other times, the focus is instead on identifying trends and relationships between pieces of data.
There's a subtle change occurring behind the scenes that is all about using data in more and more meaningful ways. Large companies have realized the value in data for some time and have been using it to improve the services they provide to their customers, that is, us. Consider how Google displays advertisements relevant to our web surfing, or how Amazon or Netflix recommend new products or titles that often match well to our tastes and interests.
These corporations wouldn't invest in large-scale data processing if it didn't provide a meaningful return on the investment or a competitive advantage. There are several main aspects to big data that should be appreciated:
Some questions only give value when asked of sufficiently large data sets. Recommending a movie based on the preferences of another person is, in the absence of other factors, unlikely to be very accurate. Increase the number of people to a hundred and the chances increase slightly. Use the viewing history of ten million other people and the chances of detecting patterns that can be used to give relevant recommendations improve dramatically.
Big data tools often enable the processing of data on a larger scale and at a lower cost than previous solutions. As a consequence, it is often possible to perform data processing tasks that were previously prohibitively expensive.
The cost of large-scale data processing isn't just about financial expense; latency is also a critical factor. A system may be able to process as much data as is thrown at it, but if the average processing time is measured in weeks, it is likely not useful. Big data tools allow data volumes to be increased while keeping processing time under control, usually by matching the increased data volume with additional hardware.
Previous assumptions of what a database should look like or how its data should be structured may need to be revisited to meet the needs of the biggest data problems.
In combination with the preceding points, sufficiently large data sets and flexible tools allow previously unimagined questions to be answered.
The examples discussed in the previous section have generally been seen in the form of innovations of large search engines and online companies. This is a continuation of a much older trend wherein processing large data sets was an expensive and complex undertaking, out of the reach of small- or medium-sized organizations.
Similarly, the broader approach of data mining has been around for a very long time but has never really been a practical tool outside the largest corporations and government agencies.
This situation may have been regrettable but most smaller organizations were not at a disadvantage as they rarely had access to the volume of data requiring such an investment.
The increase in data is not limited to the big players anymore, however; many small and medium companies—not to mention some individuals—find themselves gathering larger and larger amounts of data that they suspect may have some value they want to unlock.
Before understanding how this can be achieved, it is important to appreciate some of these broader historical trends that have laid the foundations for systems such as Hadoop today.
The fundamental reason that big data mining systems were rare and expensive is that scaling a system to process large data sets is very difficult; as we will see, it has traditionally been limited to the processing power that can be built into a single computer.
There are however two broad approaches to scaling a system as the size of the data increases, generally referred to as scale-up and scale-out.
In most enterprises, data processing has typically been performed on impressively large computers with impressively larger price tags. As the size of the data grows, the approach is to move to a bigger server or storage array. Through an effective architecture—even today, as we'll describe later in this chapter—the cost of such hardware could easily be measured in hundreds of thousands or in millions of dollars.
The advantage of simple scale-up is that the architecture does not significantly change through the growth. Though larger components are used, the basic relationship (for example, database server and storage array) stays the same. For applications such as commercial database engines, the software handles the complexities of utilizing the available hardware, but in theory, increased scale is achieved by migrating the same software onto larger and larger servers. Note though that the difficulty of moving software onto more and more processors is never trivial; in addition, there are practical limits on just how big a single host can be, so at some point, scale-up cannot be extended any further.
The promise of a single architecture at any scale is also unrealistic. Designing a scale-up system to handle data sets of sizes such as 1 terabyte, 100 terabyte, and 1 petabyte may conceptually apply larger versions of the same components, but the complexity of their connectivity may vary from cheap commodity through custom hardware as the scale increases.
Instead of growing a system onto larger and larger hardware, the scale-out approach spreads the processing onto more and more machines. If the data set doubles, simply use two servers instead of a single double-sized one. If it doubles again, move to four hosts.
The obvious benefit of this approach is that purchase costs remain much lower than for scale-up. Server hardware costs tend to increase sharply when one seeks to purchase larger machines, and though a single host may cost $5,000, one with ten times the processing power may cost a hundred times as much. The downside is that we need to develop strategies for splitting our data processing across a fleet of servers and the tools historically used for this purpose have proven to be complex.
As a consequence, deploying a scale-out solution has required significant engineering effort; the system developer often needs to handcraft the mechanisms for data partitioning and reassembly, not to mention the logic to schedule the work across the cluster and handle individual machine failures.
These traditional approaches to scale-up and scale-out have not been widely adopted outside large enterprises, government, and academia. The purchase costs are often high, as is the effort to develop and manage the systems. These factors alone put them out of the reach of many smaller businesses. In addition, the approaches themselves have had several weaknesses that have become apparent over time:
As scale-out systems get large, or as scale-up systems deal with multiple CPUs, the difficulties caused by the complexity of the concurrency in the systems have become significant. Effectively utilizing multiple hosts or CPUs is a very difficult task, and implementing the necessary strategy to maintain efficiency throughout execution of the desired workloads can entail enormous effort.
Hardware advances—often couched in terms of Moore's law—have begun to highlight discrepancies in system capability. CPU power has grown much faster than network or disk speeds have; once CPU cycles were the most valuable resource in the system, but today, that no longer holds. Whereas a modern CPU may be able to execute millions of times as many operations as a CPU 20 years ago would, memory and hard disk speeds have only increased by factors of thousands or even hundreds. It is quite easy to build a modern system with so much CPU power that the storage system simply cannot feed it data fast enough to keep the CPUs busy.
From the preceding scenarios there are a number of techniques that have been used successfully to ease the pain in scaling data processing systems to the large scales required by big data.
As just hinted, taking a scale-up approach to scaling is not an open-ended tactic. There is a limit to the size of individual servers that can be purchased from mainstream hardware suppliers, and even more niche players can't offer an arbitrarily large server. At some point, the workload will increase beyond the capacity of the single, monolithic scale-up server, so then what? The unfortunate answer is that the best approach is to have two large servers instead of one. Then, later, three, four, and so on. Or, in other words, the natural tendency of scale-up architecture is—in extreme cases—to add a scale-out strategy to the mix. Though this gives some of the benefits of both approaches, it also compounds the costs and weaknesses; instead of very expensive hardware or the need to manually develop the cross-cluster logic, this hybrid architecture requires both.
As a consequence of this end-game tendency and the general cost profile of scale-up architectures, they are rarely used in the big data processing field and scale-out architectures are the de facto standard.
If your problem space involves data workloads with strong internal cross-references and a need for transactional integrity, big iron scale-up relational databases are still likely to be a great option.
Anyone with children will have spent considerable time teaching the little ones that it's good to share. This principle does not extend into data processing systems, and this idea applies to both data and hardware.
The conceptual view of a scale-out architecture in particular shows individual hosts, each processing a subset of the overall data set to produce its portion of the final result. Reality is rarely so straightforward. Instead, hosts may need to communicate between each other, or some pieces of data may be required by multiple hosts. These additional dependencies create opportunities for the system to be negatively affected in two ways: bottlenecks and increased risk of failure.
If a piece of data or individual server is required by every calculation in the system, there is a likelihood of contention and delays as the competing clients access the common data or host. If, for example, in a system with 25 hosts there is a single host that must be accessed by all the rest, the overall system performance will be bounded by the capabilities of this key host.
Worse still, if this "hot" server or storage system holding the key data fails, the entire workload will collapse in a heap. Earlier cluster solutions often demonstrated this risk; even though the workload was processed across a farm of servers, they often used a shared storage system to hold all the data.
Instead of sharing resources, the individual components of a system should be as independent as possible, allowing each to proceed regardless of whether others are tied up in complex work or are experiencing failures.
Implicit in the preceding tenets is that more hardware will be thrown at the problem with as much independence as possible. This is only achievable if the system is built with an expectation that individual components will fail, often regularly and with inconvenient timing.
You'll often hear terms such as "five nines" (referring to 99.999 percent uptime or availability). Though this is absolute best-in-class availability, it is important to realize that the overall reliability of a system comprised of many such devices can vary greatly depending on whether the system can tolerate individual component failures.
Assume a server with 99 percent reliability and a system that requires five such hosts to function. The system availability is 0.99*0.99*0.99*0.99*0.99 which equates to 95 percent availability. But if the individual servers are only rated at 95 percent, the system reliability drops to a mere 76 percent.
Instead, if you build a system that only needs one of the five hosts to be functional at any given time, the system availability is well into five nines territory. Thinking about system uptime in relation to the criticality of each component can help focus on just what the system availability is likely to be.
If figures such as 99 percent availability seem a little abstract to you, consider it in terms of how much downtime that would mean in a given time period. For example, 99 percent availability equates to a downtime of just over 3.5 days a year or 7 hours a month. Still sound as good as 99 percent?
This approach of embracing failure is often one of the most difficult aspects of big data systems for newcomers to fully appreciate. This is also where the approach diverges most strongly from scale-up architectures. One of the main reasons for the high cost of large scale-up servers is the amount of effort that goes into mitigating the impact of component failures. Even low-end servers may have redundant power supplies, but in a big iron box, you will see CPUs mounted on cards that connect across multiple backplanes to banks of memory and storage systems. Big iron vendors have often gone to extremes to show how resilient their systems are by doing everything from pulling out parts of the server while it's running to actually shooting a gun at it. But if the system is built in such a way that instead of treating every failure as a crisis to be mitigated it is reduced to irrelevance, a very different architecture emerges.
If we wish to see a cluster of hardware used in as flexible a way as possible, providing hosting to multiple parallel workflows, the answer is to push the smarts into the software and away from the hardware.
In this model, the hardware is treated as a set of resources, and the responsibility for allocating hardware to a particular workload is given to the software layer. This allows hardware to be generic and hence both easier and less expensive to acquire, and the functionality to efficiently use the hardware moves to the software, where the knowledge about effectively performing this task resides.
Imagine you have a very large data set, say, 1000 terabytes (that is, 1 petabyte), and you need to perform a set of four operations on every piece of data in the data set. Let's look at different ways of implementing a system to solve this problem.
A traditional big iron scale-up solution would see a massive server attached to an equally impressive storage system, almost certainly using technologies such as fibre channel to maximize storage bandwidth. The system will perform the task but will become I/O-bound; even high-end storage switches have a limit on how fast data can be delivered to the host.
Alternatively, the processing approach of previous cluster technologies would perhaps see a cluster of 1,000 machines, each with 1 terabyte of data divided into four quadrants, with each responsible for performing one of the operations. The cluster management software would then coordinate the movement of the data around the cluster to ensure each piece receives all four processing steps. As each piece of data can have one step performed on the host on which it resides, it will need to stream the data to the other three quadrants, so we are in effect consuming 3 petabytes of network bandwidth to perform the processing.
Remembering that processing power has increased faster than networking or disk technologies, so are these really the best ways to address the problem? Recent experience suggests the answer is no and that an alternative approach is to avoid moving the data and instead move the processing. Use a cluster as just mentioned, but don't segment it into quadrants; instead, have each of the thousand nodes perform all four processing stages on the locally held data. If you're lucky, you'll only have to stream the data from the disk once and the only things travelling across the network will be program binaries and status reports, both of which are dwarfed by the actual data set in question.
If a 1,000-node cluster sounds ridiculously large, think of some modern server form factors being utilized for big data solutions. These see single hosts with as many as twelve 1- or 2-terabyte disks in each. Because modern processors have multiple cores it is possible to build a 50-node cluster with a petabyte of storage and still have a CPU core dedicated to process the data stream coming off each individual disk.
When thinking of the scenario in the previous section, many people will focus on the questions of data movement and processing. But, anyone who has ever built such a system will know that less obvious elements such as job scheduling, error handling, and coordination are where much of the magic truly lies.
If we had to implement the mechanisms for determining where to execute processing, performing the processing, and combining all the subresults into the overall result, we wouldn't have gained much from the older model. There, we needed to explicitly manage data partitioning; we'd just be exchanging one difficult problem with another.
This touches on the most recent trend, which we'll highlight here: a system that handles most of the cluster mechanics transparently and allows the developer to think in terms of the business problem. Frameworks that provide well-defined interfaces that abstract all this complexity—smart software—upon which business domain-specific applications can be built give the best combination of developer and system efficiency.
The thoughtful (or perhaps suspicious) reader will not be surprised to learn that the preceding approaches are all key aspects of Hadoop. But we still haven't actually answered the question about exactly what Hadoop is.
It all started with Google, which in 2003 and 2004 released two academic papers describing Google technology: the Google File System (GFS) (http://research.google.com/archive/gfs.html) and MapReduce (http://research.google.com/archive/mapreduce.html). The two together provided a platform for processing data on a very large scale in a highly efficient manner.
At the same time, Doug Cutting was working on the Nutch open source web search engine. He had been working on elements within the system that resonated strongly once the Google GFS and MapReduce papers were published. Doug started work on the implementations of these Google systems, and Hadoop was soon born, firstly as a subproject of Lucene and soon was its own top-level project within the Apache open source foundation. At its core, therefore, Hadoop is an open source platform that provides implementations of both the MapReduce and GFS technologies and allows the processing of very large data sets across clusters of low-cost commodity hardware.
Yahoo hired Doug Cutting in 2006 and quickly became one of the most prominent supporters of the Hadoop project. In addition to often publicizing some of the largest Hadoop deployments in the world, Yahoo has allowed Doug and other engineers to contribute to Hadoop while still under its employ; it has contributed some of its own internally developed Hadoop improvements and extensions. Though Doug has now moved on to Cloudera (another prominent startup supporting the Hadoop community) and much of the Yahoo's Hadoop team has been spun off into a startup called Hortonworks, Yahoo remains a major Hadoop contributor.
The top-level Hadoop project has many component subprojects, several of which we'll discuss in this book, but the two main ones are Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce. These are direct implementations of Google's own GFS and MapReduce. We'll discuss both in much greater detail, but for now, it's best to think of HDFS and MapReduce as a pair of complementary yet distinct technologies.
HDFS is a filesystem that can store very large data sets by scaling out across a cluster of hosts. It has specific design and performance characteristics; in particular, it is optimized for throughput instead of latency, and it achieves high availability through replication instead of redundancy.
MapReduce is a data processing paradigm that takes a specification of how the data will be input and output from its two stages (called map and reduce) and then applies this across arbitrarily large data sets. MapReduce integrates tightly with HDFS, ensuring that wherever possible, MapReduce tasks run directly on the HDFS nodes that hold the required data.
Both HDFS and MapReduce exhibit several of the architectural principles described in the previous section. In particular:
Both are designed to run on clusters of commodity (that is, low-to-medium specification) servers
Both scale their capacity by adding more servers (scale-out)
Both have mechanisms for identifying and working around failures
Both provide many of their services transparently, allowing the user to concentrate on the problem at hand
Both have an architecture where a software cluster sits on the physical servers and controls all aspects of system execution
HDFS is a filesystem unlike most you may have encountered before. It is not a POSIX-compliant filesystem, which basically means it does not provide the same guarantees as a regular filesystem. It is also a distributed filesystem, meaning that it spreads storage across multiple nodes; lack of such an efficient distributed filesystem was a limiting factor in some historical technologies. The key features are:
HDFS stores files in blocks typically at least 64 MB in size, much larger than the 4-32 KB seen in most filesystems.
HDFS is optimized for throughput over latency; it is very efficient at streaming read requests for large files but poor at seek requests for many small ones.
HDFS is optimized for workloads that are generally of the write-once and read-many type.
Each storage node runs a process called a DataNode that manages the blocks on that host, and these are coordinated by a master NameNode process running on a separate host.
Instead of handling disk failures by having physical redundancies in disk arrays or similar strategies, HDFS uses replication. Each of the blocks comprising a file is stored on multiple nodes within the cluster, and the HDFS NameNode constantly monitors reports sent by each DataNode to ensure that failures have not dropped any block below the desired replication factor. If this does happen, it schedules the addition of another copy within the cluster.
Though MapReduce as a technology is relatively new, it builds upon much of the fundamental work from both mathematics and computer science, particularly approaches that look to express operations that would then be applied to each element in a set of data. Indeed the individual concepts of functions called map
and reduce
come straight from functional programming languages where they were applied to lists of input data.
Another key underlying concept is that of "divide and conquer", where a single problem is broken into multiple individual subtasks. This approach becomes even more powerful when the subtasks are executed in parallel; in a perfect case, a task that takes 1000 minutes could be processed in 1 minute by 1,000 parallel subtasks.
is a processing paradigm that builds upon these principles; it provides a series of transformations from a source to a result data set. In the simplest case, the input data is fed to the map
function and the resultant temporary data to a reduce
function. The developer only defines the data transformations; Hadoop's MapReduce job manages the process of how to apply these transformations to the data across the cluster in parallel. Though the underlying ideas may not be novel, a major strength of Hadoop is in how it has brought these principles together into an accessible and well-engineered platform.
Unlike traditional relational databases that require structured data with well-defined schemas, MapReduce and Hadoop work best on semi-structured or unstructured data. Instead of data conforming to rigid schemas, the requirement is instead that the data be provided to the map
function as a series of key value pairs. The output of the map
function is a set of other key value pairs, and the reduce
function performs aggregation to collect the final set of results.
Hadoop provides a standard specification (that is, interface) for the map
and reduce
functions, and implementations of these are often referred to as mappers
and reducers
. A typical MapReduce job will comprise of a number of mappers and reducers, and it is not unusual for several of these to be extremely simple. The developer focuses on expressing the transformation between source and result data sets, and the Hadoop framework manages all aspects of job execution, parallelization, and coordination.
This last point is possibly the most important aspect of Hadoop. The platform takes responsibility for every aspect of executing the processing across the data. After the user defines the key criteria for the job, everything else becomes the responsibility of the system. Critically, from the perspective of the size of data, the same MapReduce job can be applied to data sets of any size hosted on clusters of any size. If the data is 1 gigabyte in size and on a single host, Hadoop will schedule the processing accordingly. Even if the data is 1 petabyte in size and hosted across one thousand machines, it still does likewise, determining how best to utilize all the hosts to perform the work most efficiently. From the user's perspective, the actual size of the data and cluster are transparent, and apart from affecting the time taken to process the job, they do not change how the user interacts with Hadoop.
It is possible to appreciate the individual merits of HDFS and MapReduce, but they are even more powerful when combined. HDFS can be used without MapReduce, as it is intrinsically a large-scale data storage platform. Though MapReduce can read data from non-HDFS sources, the nature of its processing aligns so well with HDFS that using the two together is by far the most common use case.
When a MapReduce job is executed, Hadoop needs to decide where to execute the code most efficiently to process the data set. If the MapReduce-cluster hosts all pull their data from a single storage host or an array, it largely doesn't matter as the storage system is a shared resource that will cause contention. But if the storage system is HDFS, it allows MapReduce to execute data processing on the node holding the data of interest, building on the principle of it being less expensive to move data processing than the data itself.
The most common deployment model for Hadoop sees the HDFS and MapReduce clusters deployed on the same set of servers. Each host that contains data and the HDFS component to manage it also hosts a MapReduce component that can schedule and execute data processing. When a job is submitted to Hadoop, it can use an optimization process as much as possible to schedule data on the hosts where the data resides, minimizing network traffic and maximizing performance.
Think back to our earlier example of how to process a four-step task on 1 petabyte of data spread across one thousand servers. The MapReduce model would (in a somewhat simplified and idealized way) perform the processing in a map
function on each piece of data on a host where the data resides in HDFS and then reuse the cluster in the reduce
function to collect the individual results into the final result set.
A part of the challenge with Hadoop is in breaking down the overall problem into the best combination of map
and reduce
functions. The preceding approach would only work if the four-stage processing chain could be applied independently to each data element in turn. As we'll see in later chapters, the answer is sometimes to use multiple MapReduce jobs where the output of one is the input to the next.
Both HDFS and MapReduce are, as mentioned, software clusters that display common characteristics:
Each follows an architecture where a cluster of worker nodes is managed by a special master/coordinator node
The master in each case (NameNode for HDFS and JobTracker for MapReduce) monitors the health of the cluster and handle failures, either by moving data blocks around or by rescheduling failed work
Processes on each server (DataNode for HDFS and TaskTracker for MapReduce) are responsible for performing work on the physical host, receiving instructions from the NameNode or JobTracker, and reporting health/progress status back to it
As a minor terminology point, we will generally use the terms host or server to refer to the physical hardware hosting Hadoop's various components. The term node will refer to the software component comprising a part of the cluster.
As with any tool, it's important to understand when Hadoop is a good fit for the problem in question. Much of this book will highlight its strengths, based on the previous broad overview on processing large data volumes, but it's important to also start appreciating at an early stage where it isn't the best choice.
The architecture choices made within Hadoop enable it to be the flexible and scalable data processing platform it is today. But, as with most architecture or design choices, there are consequences that must be understood. Primary amongst these is the fact that Hadoop is a batch processing system. When you execute a job across a large data set, the framework will churn away until the final results are ready. With a large cluster, answers across even huge data sets can be generated relatively quickly, but the fact remains that the answers are not generated fast enough to service impatient users. Consequently, Hadoop alone is not well suited to low-latency queries such as those received on a website, a real-time system, or a similar problem domain.
When Hadoop is running jobs on large data sets, the overhead of setting up the job, determining which tasks are run on each node, and all the other housekeeping activities that are required is a trivial part of the overall execution time. But, for jobs on small data sets, there is an execution overhead that means even simple MapReduce jobs may take a minimum of 10 seconds.
Another member of the broader Hadoop family is HBase , an open-source implementation of another Google technology. This provides a (non-relational) database atop Hadoop that uses various means to allow it to serve low-latency queries.
But haven't Google and Yahoo both been among the strongest proponents of this method of computation, and aren't they all about such websites where response time is critical? The answer is yes, and it highlights an important aspect of how to incorporate Hadoop into any organization or activity or use it in conjunction with other technologies in a way that exploits the strengths of each. In a paper (http://research.google.com/archive/googlecluster.html), Google sketches how they utilized MapReduce at the time; after a web crawler retrieved updated webpage data, MapReduce processed the huge data set, and from this, produced the web index that a fleet of MySQL servers used to service end-user search requests.
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