Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming
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In this chapter, we learned how to generate and use NavMeshes to implement pathfinding for our games. First, we studied how to set up different navigation layers with varying costs for pathfinding. Then, using the destination property, we used the Nav Mesh Agent component to find the path and move toward the target. Next, we set up Off Mesh Links to connect the gaps between the NavMeshes using the autogeneration feature and a manual setup with the Off Mesh Link component.
With all this information, we can now easily create simple games with a reasonably complicated AI. For example, you can try to set the destination property of AI tanks to the player's tank's position and make them follow it. Then, using simple FSMs, they can start attacking the player once they reach a certain distance. FSMs have taken us far, but they have their limits. In the next chapter, we will learn about Behavior Trees and how we can use them to make AI decisions in even the most complex...