Extreme DAX
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In this chapter, you have learned about row context, query context, and filter context and the role that contexts play in the evaluation of DAX formulas. We have discussed how contexts can be transformed using the CALCULATE
function, by removing filters and adding filters to an existing context. In addition, we looked at time intelligence functions, which provide filters specifically tailored to the Gregorian calendar.
We then focused on DAX table functions, which give us the ability to aggregate over tables and the use of custom-made, virtual tables within DAX formulas. Using virtual tables provides a wealth of analytics capabilities on top of what is already possible using "standard" DAX functions and filtering. We talked about the deep connection between tables and filters, which allows for using any table as a filter. And, finally, DAX variables were discussed, which make it easier to implement complex logic in DAX and add to the readability of DAX code as...