Extending Power BI with Python and R
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Power BI Visual Tools (pbiviz) are the easiest way to build custom visuals in Power BI. They are written in JavaScript (using Node.js) and are used to compile the source code of .pbiviz packages. A .pbiviz
package is a zipped version of the Power BI Visual Project, which in turn is a set of folders, scripts, and assets needed to create the custom visualization you want to implement. Generally, a standard Power BI Visual Project is created from a template thanks to the pbiviz command-line tools. The template contents depend on the method by which you want to create the custom visual (TypeScript, R visual, or R HTML).
Important Note
The pbiviz tools do not support any technology that uses Python behind the scenes, such as the ipywidget widgets.
In the light of this, it is worth learning R and ggplot a little more in order to be able to develop interesting custom visuals using the R visual and R HTML modes. In addition to this, as...