Deep Learning with PyTorch Lightning
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Without knowing it, you may have already experienced some of the models we have covered so far in this book. Recall how your photos app can automatically detect faces in your picture collections or group all your pictures with a particular friend together. That is nothing more than an image recognition Deep Learning model in action (the likes of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)), or you might be familiar with Alexa listening to your voice or Google autocompleting your text while searching for a query. Those are NLP-based Deep Learning models making things easier for us. Or you might have seen some e-shopping apps or social media sites suggesting captions for a product; that is semi-supervised learning in its full glory! But how do you take a model that you have built in a Python Jupyter notebook and make it consumable on devices, be it a speaker, a phone, an app, or a portal? Without application integration, a trained model remains a statistical...