Deep Learning with PyTorch Lightning
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The idea of understanding an image is to get an image of a particular kind (say a dog) and then we can recognize all other dogs by reasoning that they share the same representation or structure. For example, if you show a child who is not yet able to talk or understand language (say, less than 2 years old) a picture of a dog (or a real dog for that matter) and then give them a pack of cards with a collection of animals, which includes dogs, cats, elephants, and birds, and ask the child which picture is similar to the first one, it is most likely that the child could easily pick the card with a dog on it. And the child would be able to do so even without you explaining that this picture equals "dog" (in other words, without supplying any new labels).
You could say that a child learned to recognize all dogs in a single instance and with a single label! Wouldn't it be awesome if a machine could do that as well? That is exactly what contrastive...