Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming
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Thresholding is the simplest way to divide images into various parts, which are known as segments. Thresholding is the simplest form of segmentation operation. If we apply the thresholding operation to a grayscale image, it is usually (but not all the time) transformed into a binary image. A binary image is a strictly black and white image and it can either have a 0 (black) or 255 (white) value for a pixel. Many segmentation algorithms, advanced image processing operations, and computer vision applications use thresholding as the first step for processing images.
Thresholding is perhaps the simplest image processing operation. First, we must define a value for the threshold. If a pixel has a value greater than the threshold, then we assign 255
(white) to that pixel; otherwise, we assign 0
(black) to the pixel. This is the simplest way we can implement the thresholding operation on an image. There are other thresholding techniques too, and we will learn about...