Mastering PyTorch
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Neural networks are a sub-type of machine learning methods that are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. In neural networks, each computational unit, analogically called a neuron, is connected to other neurons in a layered fashion. When the number of such layers is more than two, the neural network thus formed is called a deep neural network. Such models are generally called deep learning models.
Deep learning models have proven superior to other classical machine learning models because of their ability to learn highly complex relationships between input data and the output (ground truth). In recent times, deep learning has gained a lot of attention and rightly so, primarily because of the following two reasons:
Owing to Moore's law, which states that the processing power of computers will double every 2 years, we are now living in a time when deep learning models with several hundreds of layers can be trained within a realistic and reasonably short amount of time. At the same time, with the exponential increase in the use of digital devices everywhere, our digital footprint has exploded, resulting in gigantic amounts of data being generated across the world every moment.
Hence, it has been possible to train deep learning models for some of the most difficult cognitive tasks that were either intractable earlier or had sub-optimal solutions through other machine learning techniques.
Deep learning, or neural networks in general, has another advantage over the classical machine learning models. Usually, in a classical machine learning-based approach, feature engineering plays a crucial role in the overall performance of a trained model. However, a deep learning model does away with the need to manually craft features. With large amounts of data, deep learning models can perform very well without requiring hand-engineered features and can outperform the traditional machine learning models. The following graph indicates how deep learning models can leverage large amounts of data better than the classical machine models:
Figure 1.2 – Model performance versus dataset size
As can be seen in the graph, deep learning performance isn't necessarily distinguished up to a certain dataset size. However, as the data size starts to further increase, deep neural networks begin outperforming the non-deep learning models.
A deep learning model can be built based on various types of neural network architectures that have been developed over the years. A prime distinguishing factor between the different architectures is the type and combination of layers that are used in the neural network. Some of the well-known layers are the following:
Figure 1.3 – Fully connected layer
This example shows two consecutive fully connected layers with N1 and N2 number of neurons, respectively. Fully connected layers are a fundamental unit of many – in fact, most – deep learning classifiers.
Figure 1.4 – Convolutional layer
Convolutional layers are a fundamental unit of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which are the most effective models for solving computer vision problems.
Figure 1.5 – Recurrent layer
Recurrent layers have an advantage over fully connected layers in that they exhibit memorizing capabilities, which comes in handy working with sequential data where one needs to remember past inputs along with the present inputs.
Figure 1.6 – Deconvolutional layer
This layer expands the input data spatially and hence is crucial in models that aim to generate or reconstruct images, for example.
Figure 1.7 – Pooling layer
This is a max-pooling layer that pools the highest number each from 2x2 sized subsections of the input. Other forms of pooling are min-pooling and mean-pooling.
Figure 1.8 – Dropout layer
Dropout helps in model regularization as it forces the model to function well in sporadic absences of certain neurons, which forces the model to learn generalizable patterns instead of memorizing the entire training dataset.
A number of well-known architectures based on the previously mentioned layers are shown in the following diagram:.
Figure 1.9 – Different neural network architectures
A more exhaustive set of neural network architectures can be found here: https://www.asimovinstitute.org/neural-network-zoo/.
Besides the types of layers and how they are connected in a network, other factors such as activation functions and the optimization schedule also define the model.
Activation functions are crucial to neural networks as they add the non-linearity without which, no matter how many layers we add, the entire neural network would be reduced to a simple linear model. The different types of activation functions listed here are basically different nonlinear mathematical functions.
Some of the popular activation functions are as follows:
The function is shown in graph form as follows:
Figure 1.10 – Sigmoid function
As can be seen from the graph, the sigmoid function takes in a numerical value x as input and outputs a value y in the range (0, 1).
The function is shown in graph form as follows:
Figure 1.11 – TanH function
Contrary to sigmoid, the output y varies from -1 to 1 in the case of the TanH activation function. Hence, this activation is useful in cases where we need both positive as well as negative outputs.
The function is shown in graph form as follows:
Figure 1.12 – ReLU function
A distinct feature of ReLU in comparison with the sigmoid and TanH activation functions is that the output keeps growing with the input whenever the input is greater than 0. This prevents the gradient of this function from diminishing to 0 as in the case of the previous two activation functions. Although, whenever the input is negative, both the output and the gradient will be 0.
The following graph shows the input-output relationship for leaky ReLU:
Figure 1.13 – Leaky ReLU function
Activation functions are an actively evolving area of research within deep learning. It will not be possible to list all of the activation functions here but I encourage you to check out the recent developments in this domain. Many activation functions are simply nuanced modifications of the ones mentioned in this section.
So far, we have spoken of how a neural network structure is built. In order to train a neural network, we need to adopt an optimization schedule. Like any other parameter-based machine learning model, a deep learning model is trained by tuning its parameters. The parameters are tuned through the process of backpropagation, wherein the final or output layer of the neural network yields a loss. This loss is calculated with the help of a loss function that takes in the neural network's final layer's outputs and the corresponding ground truth target values. This loss is then backpropagated to the previous layers using gradient descent and the chain rule of differentiation.
The parameters or weights at each layer are accordingly modified in order to minimize the loss. The extent of modification is determined by a coefficient, which varies from 0 to 1, also known as the learning rate. This whole procedure of updating the weights of a neural network, which we call the optimization schedule, has a significant impact on how well a model is trained. Therefore, a lot of research has been done in this area and is still ongoing. The following are a few popular optimization schedules:
β is the parameter of the model and X and y are the input training data and the corresponding labels respectively. L is the loss function and α is the learning rate. SGD performs this update for every training example pair (X, y). A variant of this –mini-batch gradient descent – performs updates for every k examples, where k is the batch size. Gradients are calculated altogether for the whole mini-batch. Another variant, batch gradient descent, performs parameter updates by calculating the gradient across the entire dataset.
Here, we use the subscript i to denote the ith parameter and the superscript t is used to denote the time step t of the gradient descent iterations. SSGit is the sum of squared gradients for the ith parameter starting from time step 0 to time step t. є is used to denote a small value added to SSG to avoid division by zero. Dividing the global learning rate α by the square root of SSG ensures that the learning rate for frequently changing parameters lowers faster than the learning rate for rarely updated parameters.
γ here is the decaying factor we wish to choose for the previous sum of squared gradients. With this formulation, we ensure that the sum of squared gradients does not accumulate to a large value, thanks to the decaying average. Once SSGit is defined, we can use the Adagrad equation to define the update step for Adadelta.
However, if we look closely at the Adagrad equation, the root mean squared gradient is not a dimensionless quantity and hence should ideally not be used as a coefficient for the learning rate. To resolve this, we define another running average, this time for the squared parameter updates. Let's first define the parameter update:
And then, similar to the running decaying average of the past gradients equation (the first equation under Adadelta), we can define the square sum of parameter updates as follows:
Here, SSPU is the sum of squared parameter updates. Once we have this, we can adjust for the dimensionality problem in the Adagrad equation with the final Adadelta equation:
Noticeably, the final Adadelta equation doesn't require any learning rate. One can still however provide a learning rate as a multiplier. Hence, the only mandatory hyperparameter for this optimization schedule is the decaying factors..
SG and SSG are mathematically equivalent to estimating the first and second moments of the gradient respectively, hence the name of this method – adaptive moment estimation. Usually, γ and γ' are close to 1 and in that case, the initial values for both SG and SSG might be pushed towards zero. To counteract that, these two quantities are reformulated with the help of bias correction:
Once they are defined, the parameter update is expressed as follows:
Basically, the gradient on the extreme right-hand side of the equation is replaced by the decaying average of the gradient. Noticeably, Adam optimization involves three hyperparameters – the base learning rate, and the two decaying rates for the gradients and squared gradients. Adam is one of the most successful, if not the most successful, optimization schedule in recent times for training complex deep learning models.
So, which optimizer shall we use? It depends. If we are dealing with sparse data, then the adaptive optimizers (numbers 2 to 5) will be advantageous because of the per-parameter learning rate updates. As mentioned earlier, with sparse data, different parameters might be worked at different paces and hence a customized per-parameter learning rate mechanism can greatly help the model in reaching optimal solutions. SGD might also find a decent solution but will take much longer in terms of training time. Among the adaptive ones, Adagrad has the disadvantage of vanishing learning rates due to a monotonically increasing learning rate denominator.
RMSProp, Adadelta, and Adam are quite close in terms of their performance on various deep learning tasks. RMSprop is largely similar to Adadelta, except for the use of the base learning rate in RMSprop versus the use of the decaying average of previous parameter updates in Adadelta. Adam is slightly different in that it also includes the first-moment calculation of gradients and accounts for bias correction. Overall, Adam could be the optimizer to go with, all else being equal. We will use some of these optimization schedules in the exercises in this book. Feel free to switch them with another one to observe changes in the following:
In the coming chapters, we will use many of these architectures, layers, activation functions, and optimization schedules in solving different kinds of machine learning problems with the help of PyTorch. In the example included in this chapter, we will create a convolutional neural network that contains convolutional, linear, max-pooling, and dropout layers. Log-Softmax is used for the final layer and ReLU is used as the activation function for all the other layers. And the model is trained using an Adadelta optimizer with a fixed learning rate of 0.5
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