MySQL 8 for Big Data
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We have already gone through Memcached setup and configuration along with using it with different APIs in Chapter 4, Using Memcached with MySQL 8. The key takeaways that you would like to consider for Memcached configuration best practices are what we will be going through now.
Memory allocation for Memcached shouldn't be allocated over the available physical memory or without considering other resources that would be utilizing memory. If we overallocate memory, there are high chances that Memcached would have memory allocated from swapspace. This may lead to delay while inserting or fetching values because swap space is stored on disk, which is slower than in-memory.
With operating system architecture having 32 bits, one needs to be cautious. As we know, there are limitations to provision resources in 32-bit operating system architecture. Similarly, Memcached having 4GB RAM with 32-bit operating...