MySQL 8 for Big Data
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As we learned in the Chapter 9, Case study: Part I - Apache Sqoop for exchanging data between MySQL and Hadoop, Hadoop can be used for processing unstructured data generated through relational databases like MySQL. In this topic, we will find out how we can use Hadoop for analyzing the unstructured data generated in MySQL 8. Based on our case study of e-commerce store, we will try to find out the bestselling product among the customers based on the order history of customers in e-commerce store. We will transfer the order data generated in MySQL 8 into Apache Hive using MySQL applier. Than we will use Hive Query Language (Hive-QL) for analyzing required data.
uses map-reduce algorithm which makes it much faster to analyze millions of data within seconds. Data generated in Hive can be transferred back to the MySQL 8 as a flat table.
Consider following table of user's order history generated in MySQL 8: