MySQL 8 for Big Data
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A traditional MySQL replication implies to the master-slave architecture when write operations are performed by one server acting as master and other servers acting as slave are configured to periodically execute the replication to fetch data from the master and store locally. Each slaves in the master-slave replication has their own copy of the data and slaves do not share any information between them, basically we can term it as shared-nothing mechanism.
MySQL 8 has built in support for the Group replication. Group replication consists of more than one server each of which can act as master server. Servers in the group co-ordinate with message passing mechanism. For example, if any transaction commit operations is requested, it is relayed to the server group. Server group then approves a transaction and one of the server commits the write operation which then replicated to the group. For any read operation, no approval is needed from the server group and all such read...