Seven NoSQL Databases in a Week
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In this section, we will discuss some InfluxDB operations, such as how to back up and restore data, what is the RP, how to monitor InfluxDB, clustering, and HA.
It is critical to backup your data and recover them in case problem occurs, such as system crashes and hardware failures. InfluxDB provides a variety of backup and restore strategies.
Backup is a must in every production database. There are two types of backups in InfluxDB: metastore and database.
Metastore contains system information. You can back up a metastore instance by running the following command:
influxd backup <path-to-backup>
When backing up databases, each database needs to be backed up separately by running the following command:
influxd backup -database <mydatabase> <path-to-backup>
You can specify some arguments for retention, shard, and since as follows:
-retention <retention policy name> -shard <shard ID> -since <date>
If we change the <path...