Learning PySpark
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If you are running your job from a Spark CLI (for example, spark-shell, pyspark, spark-sql, spark-submit
), you can use the –-packages
command, which will extract, compile, and execute the necessary code for you to use the GraphFrames package.
For example, to use the latest GraphFrames package (version 0.3) with Spark 2.0 and Scala 2.11 with spark-shell, the command is:
> $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages graphframes:graphframes:0.3.0-spark2.0-s_2.11
If you are using a notebook service, you may need to install the package first. For example, the following section shows the steps to install the GraphFrames library within the free Databricks Community Edition (http://databricks.com/try-databricks).
Within Databricks, you can create a library that is comprised of a Scala/Java JAR, Python Egg, or Maven Coordinate (including the Spark package).
To start, go to your Workspace within databricks, right-click the folder you want to create the library in...