Effective Amazon Machine Learning
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Creating a performing predictive model from raw data requires many trials and errors, much back and forth. Creating new features, cleaning up data, and trying out new parameters for the model are needed to ensure the robustness of the model. There is a constant back and forth between the data, the models, and the evaluations. Scripting this workflow either via the AWS CLI or with the Boto3
Python library, will give us the ability to speed up the create, test, select loop.
AWS offers several ways besides the UI to interact with its services, the CLI, APIs, and SDKs in several languages. Though the AWS CLI and SDKs do not include all AWS services. Athena SQL, for instance, being a new service, is not yet included in the AWS CLI module or in any of AWS SDK at the time of writing.
The AWS Command Line Interface or CLI is a command-line shell program that allows you to manage your AWS services from your shell terminal. Once installed and set...