HBase High Performance Cookbook
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The Ganglia open source project is a scalable distributed system designed to monitor clusters and grids while minimizing the impact on their performance. When you enable Ganglia on your cluster, you can generate reports and view the performance of the cluster as a whole, as well as inspect the performance of individual node instances.
For more information about the Ganglia open source project, go to http://ganglia.info/. For more information about using Ganglia with Amazon EMR clusters, see the Monitor Performance with Ganglia recipe.
You configure Ganglia for HBase using the configure-hbase-for-ganglia
bootstrap action. This bootstrap action configures HBase to publish metrics to Ganglia.
You must configure HBase and Ganglia when you launch the cluster; Ganglia reporting cannot be added to a running cluster. Once the cluster is launched with Ganglia reporting configured, you can access Ganglia graphs and reports using the graphical interface running on the...